Career in Epsan
As EPSAN, we carry out recruitment processes in line with our corporate goals and principles, with the principle of the right candidate for the right position, within the framework of a policy that provides equal opportunity. We believe that diversity is richness in evaluating employee candidates and we do not allow any discrimination based on gender, age, religion, language, race, sect, social status, physical structure, ethnic origin, nationality, sexual orientation or any other personal characteristics. We pay particular attention to the candidate's ability to adapt to our positive, innovative, creative and entrepreneurial corporate culture as well as having the competencies required by the task to be undertaken.
We invite candidates who are suitable for the relevant position to an interview if they have the knowledge, experience and training required by the department where they will be hired. In addition to technical competencies, we also evaluate basic competencies in terms of adaptation to the company culture. We include our candidates in personality inventory and foreign language tests according to position requirements, and candidates for executive roles in independent assessment center processes.
Within the framework of our Employer Brand and Talent Acquisition strategy, we aim to give our new teammates who join us with the Onboarding Program the experience of being an EPSAN employee from the moment they accept our offer. In this direction, we support adaptation to the company culture with practices such as in-house welcome announcement on the first working day, welcome kit, orientation program, evaluation interviews with the employee in the first and sixth months.
As EPSAN, we know that our most important asset towards our goal of sustainable growth in the international arena is people. Therefore, we attach great importance to personal and professional development. Continuous development is essential for us and it is an integral part of our business culture for each of our employees to make being innovative, creative and entrepreneurial a way of life and to realize their potential. In line with this vision, we create personalized training and development plans by correctly identifying the needs and addressing the identified needs.
In this context, all our training activities are handled and shaped in line with our needs and goals. Every year, we determine and implement our plans by taking into account the demands from departments in our budget studies, the needs that will improve the performance of our employees and enable them to maximize their potential, and the issues that will support our corporate culture and values.
No discrimination on the basis of gender, age, religion, race, creed, social status, physical build, ethnic origin, nationality, sexual orientation or any other personal characteristic is permitted for our employees in accessing training opportunities.
In 2024, Gender Equality training covering all employees was organized and employees were encouraged to participate. In the trainings organized, studies were carried out on the importance of Gender Equality, unconscious prejudice, types of violence, and equality in corporate culture.
As EPSAN, we see the satisfaction, happiness and motivation of our employees as an integral part of individual and corporate development. With this understanding, we develop and implement methods and channels to solve problems that may affect the performance and quality of life of our employees. Not only that, but we also provide them with the opportunity to work on social issues by offering them a work environment where they can do what is good for the world.
We strive to establish a close bond with our employees from their first day of work, we care about the happiness of our employees and we want them to feel special and valuable. We do not forget the special days of our employees and stand by them with a small gift on holidays, New Year and Women's Days.
We organize Employee Loyalty and Satisfaction surveys with independent consultants and support our employees to make their voices heard. According to the responses from the surveys, we prepare and implement our action plans and aim to offer a better workplace environment.
As EPSAN, we care about the time our employees continue to work in our company and appreciate them with Seniority Celebration organizations.
In this context, as EPSAN, we have started to use the flexible and remote working model, which we continue as a pilot application, effectively by spreading it to the whole with the Pandemic in 2020. In this context, our employees determine their working systems by considering the balance between work and private life and the continuity of business processes. Remote working terms and conditions are implemented with the “Working from Home Guide” within the scope of occupational health and safety principles, hybrid work programs and support to be provided to employees.
At EPSAN, we attach importance to the development planning of employees in line with their competencies so that they can manage their careers correctly and develop their talents. In this context, our employees are included in the internal promotion process whose standards are determined according to the norm staff needs in the organization, work and performance results, experience and competencies within the company and potential evaluations. If they fulfill the requirements and criteria, they can be assigned to a position or transferred to a different field through rotation. Our Career and Talent Management practices do not allow any discrimination based on gender, age, religion, language, race, sect, social status, physical structure, ethnic origin, nationality, sexual orientation or any other personal characteristics.
As EPSAN, we act with the idea that the increasing performance of our employees in parallel with their personal and professional development is one of the most important functions that create value for both our employees and our company. With this understanding, we carry out performance management with a transparent approach in order to reward success and increase the satisfaction of our employees.
As of 2024, we apply our performance evaluation system, which focuses on employees' competencies and business results, at least once a year to all employees who have completed their sixth month of employment. We conduct performance management under two main headings: “Goals” and “Competencies”. While goals determine performance and business results, competencies provide an important input on the behaviors shown on the way to the goal and the potential of employees.
We use performance evaluation outputs as an input in all our Human Resources Processes such as salary increases and review periods, appointment and promotion evaluations. We focus on feedback and development between managers and employees and support our High Performance Culture.
In our Performance Management practices, we manage our process to include all our employees without any discrimination based on gender, age, religion, language, race, sect, social status, physical structure, ethnic origin, nationality, sexual orientation or any other personal characteristics.
Core Competencies | All Employees | Adaptation to Change and Innovation |
Core Competencies | All Employees | Collaboration |
Core Competencies | All Employees | Curiosity and Agility to Learn |
Core Competencies | All Employees | Resilience |
Managerial Competencies | Management (Manager - Director - Group Manager) | Managing Performance and Talent |
Managerial Competencies | Management (Manager - Director - Group Manager) | Coaching and Mentoring |
Managerial Competencies | Management (Director, C Level) | Strategic Leadership |
Managerial Competencies | Management (Director, C Level) | Leading Change |
At EPSAN, we shape wage management based on macroeconomic indicators, the sector in which we operate, the wage market, job size, company wage policy and performance. In doing so, we act with the principle of “equal pay for equal work”, without discrimination based on religion, language, race or gender. As an element of the remuneration policy, we offer our employees various fringe benefits depending on their duties and titles.
At EPSAN, we focus on implementing a job evaluation system based on the content of the job, independent of title and function. In order to protect the welfare and purchasing power of our employees, we evaluate our position in the market as a result of the market analyzes we receive by participating in wage surveys every year, and we implement and constantly review a fair and competitive wage policy, taking into account the feedback from our employees.
We have various fringe benefit practices such as Private Health Insurance, monthly ticket market aid, marriage aid, birth aid, stationery aid provided to the children of employees every year, moving aid, and food aid provided during holidays, which improve and support the experience of our colleagues not only in business life but also in social and health life.
In addition to the leave periods specified in the law in 2024, we endeavor to support the social lives of our employees by increasing maternity leave to 18 weeks, paternity leave to 10 days, marriage leave to 5 days, and death leave to 5 days.
As EPSAN, we accept it as a basic principle to comply with basic human rights determined by international rules and to support the protection of these rules. We protect and manage the rights of our employees within the framework of applicable legal legislation, labor contracts concluded between the employee and the employer and ethical rules. In this context, we support this commitment by becoming a United Nations Global Compact Signatory in 2024.
We implement and follow the requirements under the Personal Data Protection law. While the personal information of our employees remains within the organization within the framework of confidentiality principles, our employees act in a way that indisputably respects the confidentiality of all technical information, including the registered applications, company names, and information in the database of our company in line with the same principles.
In this context, we have developed practices on occupational health and safety, forced labor, child labor, discrimination, working hours and wages, disciplinary practices and management systems.
Ensuring gender equality, combating prejudices brought about by the concept of sexism, strengthening the position of women in business life as well as providing employment to less advantaged employee groups and ensuring their sustainability in business life constitute the main topics of our work focused on equal opportunities.
We manage our Gender Equality approach on three main focus axes: discourse, work environment and collaborations. We offer an equal and fair working environment regardless of gender, age, language, race, ethnic origin, physical structure, nationality, sexual orientation, political opinion, philosophical belief, religion and sect, without allowing any discrimination in working conditions in the work environment.
We organize trainings and webinars on Gender Equality to strengthen the awareness of our employees.
Open Positions
We have a systematic talent management process based on analyzing our current profile in line with our strategic goals, identifying the talents we need and including them in our organization, while developing, evaluating and retaining our existing talents.

Human Recources Policy